Tuesday, August 11, 2009

yeah... finally the 25th post... lol... i'm bored okay... tomorrow's maths and bi trials... but i'm not studying... so i'll be posting pictures of talent quest finals... 25 pictures for the 25th post XD

i'm not sure whether are they 25 pictures or not.... but who cares la XD

good luck for trials tomorrow XD

Saturday, August 8, 2009

amazing race pictures
during the 8th of august 2009, SMKSU's PBSM and Pasukan Pengakap has organised an amazing race. and yes, those ang ang people in red down here are those who participated in this race ...
The Pekky's!
- derek thye -
- jeremiah -
- wei lik -
- abigail -
- amanda sena -
- amanda yeo -
and our super super professional photographer
- kar lun -
the one in black shirt
us before the race while waiting for them to start... picture i think taken by weng chun
at a station... we've been waiting for about more than 20 minutes so we decided to pole dance... amanda sena was doing it right when wei lik came and screw it... so yeah... random pole dancing picutres... if only you could see those black black people...
now this is the candit one when the ketua pengawas 09/10's brother came in -- (blue guy) tzer yuan... then jeremiah was like on top of the tiang lol... dont know he does it...
ini is the better one... everyone's face is seen and well... wei lik --> you seriously fail to be a pole dancer... and yeah everyone look at what's in my hands!!! the clue envolope... lol... random sia...
this is thee most ter paling stupiak station where we've wasted about an hour there looking for some stickers where the station master herself cant find... and amanda sena, weil lik and jeremiah is like counting or searching for the stickers???
amazing race videos

this was our last station. jowen's station.... the web thingy and yeah... the other groups took to long to like get it done when we're just like: 'you go! now your turn! you now!' then bla bla bla habis.... after that we straight went to the checkpoint and yeah got no.something which i've forgotten XD


this is the most yucky station... dessy's station... treasure bucket... it's like diluted flour and we need to stick our hands inside... and gosh there were leafs, and many coins inside... so we needa look for 3 1sen coins each... and yeah, i pucked at the station or nearly wanted to...

this was wei lik's spotlight station... he was still blinded folded but he need to squeeze a sponge and walk agak agak 3m to a bottle and fill it up... then sena was like helping him find the hole of the bottle by giving him a lecture of dirty talks for example: squeeze the sponge like squeezing boobs! then wei lik was like: bisingnya....

this station is the one that we've waited for an hour to play for. all the guys got blind folded while the girls lead them to collect yellow colour papers... and jeremanda yeo was like so lost behind there when derek scream when he felt the floor was wet... well what doo you expect? you're blind folded!

i hate this station the most...it's like testing your physical stamina... so amanda yeo and wei lik were the ones doing the push ups... derek and i were the ones doing sit ups while jeremiah and amanda sena had to climb up to the 3rd floor and come back down again for continiously 8 times.... and yeah, i was kinda like doing a quacking move when sitting up... lol...

this is the station that we've finished the fastest. it's liek we tangle our hands together and to untie them, we need to answer a question correctly... and amanda sena was the one answering most of the questions... here are 3 out of the 5 or 6...
1. name me 5 shopping compleks in malaysia
subang parade, pyramid, time square, summit, 101 mall
2. name me 2 famous painist
bethoven and mozart
3. who's the current ketua pengawas?
siew tzer wern

this wasx one of the best... charade... we need to act out something from the card and yeah... we get to useb voice for 3 times... amanda sena said: come one! and everyone guessed correctly --> mr jacob... then jeremiah got a fruit where he pointed at his '...' lol funny nia --> banana. then wei lik siad that he's not going to use voice manatua he terlepas suara... then sena use voice again: jason teh --> mr bean... no offence XD
and this was our fisrt station... the fear factor... then i think we had to chose 2 peices of paper... then we goot the one where we need to eat ice cream with banyak sangat pepper and salt... it was like not so scary but still sucks... i told them already, anything salty i'm a no go... but still we managed to finish it fast and made it to another station...
there were actually many more stations but they were boring to take... so yeah. one of them is duck walk and frog jump.... amanda sena commmented: if jeremy was here, he could do it so darn good cause it his specialties... and it's weird for the sakae sushi frog to not know how to forg jump... haha no offence amanda sena....
and there was a puzzle station where we need to fix a hexagon picture puzzle. the game master was too sesat until she forgottent ot tell us that there're 5 missing peices that we need to go look for it... so yeah, the offiaclly lost one so we just cabut to the other station...
and then we went to sherlynn and shiyan's station where we have to like look for stickers... then we lost 8 marks there because we asked for tips... and yeah, we wasted so much time over there... and i was like: shit not this station -_=
on the way to every station, we were looking for stars and gosh we got like so many... thanks to derek, kar lun and jeremiah for their super sharp eyes... XD
so yeah over all we got no.4 among 5 groups... after the race. we all went to ss19 to eat chicken rice and yeah. then some went for wushu. some went home to study... so yeah... it was nice... but stilll, ii think the race organisation could be better.... no offence to those who are reading it now....
signing off --> abigail chong
special thanks --> ng sher lynn (3 sigma)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

love drunk - boys like girls

well the trials are nearby... but who really cares... everyone is still studying at their own paste. but then yeah, school is still the same... it's amazing... we have started planning our class trip already... but i seriously have to apologise, because i havent been updating this blog much and wont be having much time to update it... so here's a simple run through...
mj asked us to do a guided writing essay and which everyone said: COME ON! then during psv, a traniee teacher came in... and talked about his past SMKSU life... then yeah... i really cant remember much... and now amanda yeo is the new AJK for the prefectorial board. few weeks ago was food week... and next week is the trials already... so blah....
gtg to update another few more blogs XD